Friday, March 27, 2009

We're moved in!

Hi all!

I know, I know... it's been almost two weeks since I last posted. Life has been extremely busy and I haven't had one minute to slow down to smell the coffee!!!

Last week was spring break. Tim and I have moved almost everything into the house. (Only the grill remains at the apt.) The movers came last Tuesday. So, I guess one could say we've been living in the house for a little more than a week now. We absolutely love it, but there are still boxes around to unpack and some pics to hang. I know what my weekend entails!

Tim went back to work this week in San Antonio. It's been a little quiet around this place this week. I'm more than ready to have him home for a few days.

There are ten weeks left until school is out for the summer. My this school year has flown by! Summer vacation will soon be here, and yet, there is so much to do still this year!

Off to unpack more boxes and decide where to hang some pics.

Have a great weekend, y'all!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Picture

Here's a picture of the front of the house. It's still listed for sale on the internet, so I captured the pic from a website while I still could.
More pics later.

A High Speed Whirwind!

Hi all!

I know it's been awhile since I last posted. Things here have been moving at high speed!

Tim and I closed on our house Monday this week. It's a chore to get everything over to the house. I took Monday afternoon and Tuesday off this week. Mom came over to help me unpack and put away the kitchen items Tuesday. We literatly worked all day in the kitchen getting it done. It's the only room in the house that has things in it right now! Well, okay, the kitchen table is there, and so is one TV, VCR/DVD player. Last night the cable guy came and connected the DVR. Tonight the refriderator got delivered. I'm glad that this next week is spring break. I'm ever so ready for it. It's been a long haul since Christmas break. This next week will be a whirlwind, too, I'm sure, trying to get the rest of the house moved and unpacked.

Tim met our new neighbor yesterday. He's a League City policeman, about our age. It's good to know there's one right next door. Not that we are living in a high crime area at all, but just the fact that there's a cop car in the driveway next door gives some extra sense of comfort.

I'll try and do a little better at posting more often. It's just a busy time right now in the Cole household. One of these days soon I'll remember to take my camera over there so I can post a pic of the house.

Have a good one!
Till next time....