Friday, December 4, 2009

Snow on my birthday?

Yes! It really is snowing today! It came down really hard this morning while at school. Yes, I ran out through it and then came back in. It didn't stick this morning, and now the snow is back, yet again. As the afternoon turnes into evening, we are to have more and more snow. Tim told me earlier that it's suppose to get down to 12 degrees tonight, which is unheard of in South Texas. I'm just glad that tomorrow is Saturday and we can stay in. Although, my mom and I are looking forward to going birthday shopping tomorrow.

I'll post pics later, as soon as I can get home and get my camera.

It's a girl!

Here are our ultrasound pictures from October. I know...I'm just getting around to posting them. The bottom pic is the first one they took. She (yes, it's a girl!) jumped up, waved, and then sat back down. I have had one other ultrasound done since these were taken, but haven't had a minute to scan them. I will soon, but these are way better than the two others I have at home on the fridge.